TFT Monitor Control for Yamaha MMP1
TMC-1-S6 module for S6 (knob size module)
Design Consideraltions
We have four main objectives when we started to designing the TMC-1 remote
1) Make the best possible monitor control interface
2) Provide a unified user interface for all systems, large and small.
3) Include Talkback, Listen back, and cue sends
4) Include automation features for ADR and ISDN
The Yamaha MMP1 provides a integrated Monitoring and equalisation solution,
with the TMC-1 interface and software you can control the MMP1 efficiently.
The user can set up the TMC-1 to directly access all monitoring functions available on the Editor/Remote interface from the TMC-1 without switching screens.
The TMC-1 is also available for the following systems: -
* Trinnov D-Mon,
* Avid XMon,
* NTP Penta / DAD AX32 / AVID MTRX,
* CB Electronics A-Mon,
* CB Electronics I-Mon
Special features of this controller include
* ADR-style control of Talkback, Listen-back, Studio L/S and
Control Room L/S from play and record GP Inputs or LTC and MTC inputs.
* Stem style monitoring with up to 6 stems each of which can be up to 12 channels wide.
* Monitoring of all cue sends
* Studio playback of any input
TMC-1 Configuration Software