Monitor Controller for NTP Penta 720, DAD AX32, and Avid MTRX
TMC-1-S6 module for S6 (knob size module)
Design Consideraltions
The TMC-1 is available for five different systems, the Avid XMon, DAD
AX32 now, Trinnov DMon, the CB A-Mon and the CB I-Mon.
We have four main objectives when we started to designing the TMC-1 remote
1) Make the best possible monitor control interface
2) Provide a unified user interface for all systems, large and small.
3) Include Talkback, Listen back, and cue sends
4) Include automation features for ADR and ISDN
The NTP Penta 720 or DAD AX32 must be one of the most flexible digital audio interfaces available,
with the TMC-1 interface and software you can control any system from 1 to 64 speakers.
The TMC-1 is not a remote to the NTP Dadman software but provides a framework for you to define your own monitoring solution.
* Also available TMC-XMon for Avid XMon
* Also available TMC-1-DMon for use with the Trinnov D-Mon
See what users say
Halo studio review
Special features of this controller include
* ADR-style control of Talkback, Listen-back, Studio L/S and
Control Room L/S from play and record GP Inputs or LTC and MTC inputs.
* Stem style monitoring with up to 6 stems each of which can be up to 12 channels wide.
* Monitoring of all cue sends
* Studio playback of any input
* Click here for more Information
TMC-1 Configuration Software