Software Downloads
Windows & DOS Programs |
vslink.zip |
is a free application program supplied with the Video
Directions |
vslink2.zip |
is a Windows file download program for Video Streamer, MRADR,
and XSony Protocols VS link now with footage switch.
Version Extra Tab deliminated file type filters added,
Edit number filter for letters added, Gallery xml filter added.
Support for XMC protocol improved
(14 July 2010) |
Data Sheet (pdf) |
vslink3.zip |
New Windows file download program
for Video Streamer with vslink and p2 software Now with Sony P2
Machine control output
Support for XMC improved
(14 July 2010) |
Data Sheet (pdf) |
adrtaker.zip |
is a Windows ADR/Taker Capture Program, s9 control added to trial period
(8/Febuary/2006) |
Data Sheet (pdf) |
cbserver |
Dedicated CBServer Page |
unitconfig.cbf |
Setup file for System Display. For use with CB Server, copy
to the CB server directory This file is updated as required to
match current SR/MR Software
(23 August 2004) |
Information/directions |
ur422.zip |
is Configuration Program for new UR422 keyboard, incluides software download
program. Runs on windows requres rs232b port with RS422 converter or
our new USB-RS422(Dual RS422 port to USB). Now with updated MCU (Monitor Control Unit) manual.
Locate, Loop, and GPO Set windows added, SR Macro Set Added. Cue download now with clip number,
Loop Save bug fixed
(1 April 2006) |
dlldemo.zip |
is Demonstration Program with Pascal source file of using a
sony protocol call to the CBServer to use a single serial port
when communication with CB SR/MR/RM systems |
sa1.zip |
Dedicated Page for SA-1/SA-2 Windows Sony P2 Serial/CB XMC protocol analizer
Q2Image |
Q2Image Program 4M7 Runs with CBServer Software
(28/07/2003) |
Q2IDemo |
Q2Image Demo Images 1M4 for use with Q2Image Software
(27/05/2003) |
ascii |
TC-1/2, FC-1/2 ASCII Serial Protocol Demo Program
(25/05/2005) |
capture.zip |
is DOS Software as supplied with ED-1/ED-2 EDL
Lister Now includes cbutil
(01/March/2005) |
cbutil.zip |
is DOS Software for use with capture and other programs
(11/02/2002) |
cbhelp2.zip |
Zipped Windows Software to access cbhelp online realtime help,
(1/12/2006) |
cbhelp.zip |
Zipped Windows Software to access cbhelp online realtime help
(1/12/2006) |
cbhelp.exe |
exe version of Windows Software to access cbhelp online realtime help
(1/12/2006) |
overscreen.zip |
Amps Video Surtitle system for the Deaf developed by CB Electronics, free to Educational users
(17/12/2010) |
usb422a.zip |
Version of USB422Test for use when testing the PD-1
(21 Feb 2011) |