How does a
controller interpret the Status Sense and Edit
Preset Sense returned bits : "Insert" and
"Assemble". Actually I always return them at 0
and everything seems to work well, but maybe I
should store those bits when given by the Edit
Preset command and give them back when
requested. In a DAW Insert or Assemble have no
real meaning, for me Edit On or Record does the
same, but maybe a controller assumes something
You should set the Insert flag to indicate an
insert edit, insert gives a clean in and a
clean out and always requires formatted media.
An Assemble edit will edit on all tracks
simultaneously and reformat the media, this
gives a clean in but a dirty out. and requires
formatted media up to the in point.
A crash record gives a dirty in and a dirty
out and does not require formatted media.
We've come across
the old problem again in mastering DVD's. The
film scanning is done from a 24 fps film, spun
up to 25 fps, we get the original soundtracks
on DA-88 which don't match since they are the
original speed of 24 fps.
I'm sure you have the tools to solve this for
us. Could you tell me which box to get from you
and how it works. (I can hardly imagine that
you solved the pitch as well on 6 tracks AC-3.
We have a new product, the Timecode Gearbox
(TG-1) this can accept timecode at any standard
and rate and output timecode at any standard
and rate. The Input and Output ratios availabe
are as follows:-
23.97 : 24 : 24.97 : 25 : 29.97 : 30
24-25 DVD Set-Up:
Input timecode standard : EBU (25) (This is
Input ratio : 24
Output Timecode Standard : EBU (25)
Output Ratio : 25
To use with the SR-4
Connect the timecode output from the SR-4 to
the input of the TG-1
Connect the output of the TG-1 to the
timecode input of the DA-88
Ensure that you select Chase type =0 for the
DA-88 on the SR-4 (This is the normal
Use as normal.
AC-3 Verification
We are currently designing a AC-3 synchroniser,
this will enable you to playback a AC-3 file
and slave a video machine to the data stream by
taking the timecode information from the AC-3
data stream. If there is a similar problem on
AC-3 files we could incorporate this within the
TG-1 gearbox.
To check the cable and the A input on the
SR-24 conect as follows:-
1) Select serial port A as an input
2) Select Port B as Master
3) Connect the Tx-Rx invert cable between
port A and port D
4) Select port D, you should then be able to
control the machine connected to port B from
Port D. If not check the cable and toggle the
port A selction Key.
We have three products as follows:-
1) FC-1 will convert biphase to timecode
which can then be used to lock a D88
2) SS-1 as FC-1 but with RS422 output to
slave a video machine
3) BS-1 will accept a timecode and lock a
The question is which do you wish to use as a
master, the projector or the D88. The most
normal is to use the projector as the master.
The FC-1 will then accept the biphase output
from the projector and generate timecode. The
timecode may then be used to lock one or more
There are two controlling devices on the system
the Desk or Pro-tools which are connected to port
A and the MR controller. The selected master
machine is always controlled from the desk, the
MRcontroller may be switched to any machine on
the system including the currently selected
master. When two different commands are recieved
at the same time the last processed will be the
command sent to the machine.
We can also supply a six port controller this
allows for two input ports, and 3 master ports,
if added to the system that you have there it
would allow the pro-tools and the desk to control
the system without the need for re-patching.
To put this another way, the Sony protocol
allows for the control of one machine only,
to controll more than one machine one machine
is designated as the Master. All
commands from the RS422 input are routed to
the master, status and position requests from
the RS422 input are answered with the
Master status and position. There
are three exceptions to this:-
1) Record status is global, if any machine on
the system is in record then the Record and
Edit bits will be set.
2) Lock status is global, the lock bit will
only be set once all machines are locked to
the master.
3) Record Commands are global, the record or
edit commands will be sent to any record
enabled machine.
I looked at the software this morning, you were
correct on the latest version of software the
XTAL LED will flash, I have modified the software
There are three possibilities:-
1) the reference selection on the Power
Supply PCB is incorrect
2) the PLL on the timecode generator is not
working correctly
3) The timecode generator frame rate is
different to the reference frame rate
PSU PCB (right hand side from front of unit)
You can check the reference selection on the
PSU at Pin 6 of U7, this is a monostable with
a period of approx 25mS you should have an
30Hz signal at this point. If you do not find
this signal check backwards through the
circuit as follows
reference selector o/p pin 14 of U1
decoded video reference pin 7 of U3
video reference input pin 2 of U3
Timecode Reader Generator (Lower PCB on left
hand side)
Assuming that the reference signal is present
then it is connected via pin 23b on the edge
connector to the timecode reader generator
You can trace the reference at the following
points on the Reader/Generator card
U27 pin 11
U21 pin 15
The timecode generator PLL may be checked
with at pin 1 of U22, when working correctly
this should be high (+5v) with very narrow
pulses at the frame edge. Adjust VR-3 if
VS-1 I would like to be able
to trigger the transfer button remotely. The
VS1 will be located in a rack with the Doremi
and the Protools in the machine room. But I
need the Foley mixer in the control room to be
able to capture the in point with a remote
button. My first thought is to simply run two
wires into the unit to parallel the front panel
switch. But I'm hoping that there might be a
better way, possibly with the audio trigger?
The 37 way connector on the back of the VS-1
has both an Audio Trigger input and a contact
closure input. Both may be used in real time to
trigger an event.in real time, the contact
closure may also be used to capture an event to
the internal list.
See sections 10.56, 10.562 and 12.11, 12.13,
12.14 of the manual
As the trigger input is an opto coupler you
will need to link pins 23 & 24 connecting
the opto(+) common to the internal +5v to use
this with a switch.
For your information the latest protools 5.1.1
and 5.2 will allow you to control the protools
by RS422 and use our SR-4, SR-24 or SR-32 ADR
In response to your question
Drop frame code
In drop frame code frames 0 & 1 of every
minute except for modulo 10 minutes do not
i.e. 00:01:59:29 is followed by 00:02:00:02
but 00:09:59:29 is followed by 00:10:00:00
The algorithm that I use is as follows:
Hours := fpd Div 107892
frames := fpd MOD 107892
min_tens := frames Div 17982
frames := frames MOD 17982
min_units := frames Div 1798
frames := frames MOD 1798
seconds := frames Div 30
frames := frames MOD 30
// extra drop frame check,
IF (mins_units <> 0) AND (seconds = 0)
THEN frames:= frames+2
The Record GP output, (pin 17) is active high
whenever the SR shows a record tally
GP outputs 4,5,6 are user selectable for
different functions see section 7.29 of the
Set up GP outputs for Record on, and record
Set-up, Unit, Generic, Menu 29:- GP Outputs
Select 1= rec
Record ON is found on pin 6 and is Active
Record OFF is found on pin 19 and is Active
If there is no machine producing a Record
tally then a Virtual Record tally may be
generated as follows
Set-up, Unit, record, menu 06: Virtual
record Tally
Select 1 to enable
want to integrate a new DigiBeta recorder in
our system. How do we enable it as a recorder
in general and activate track arming keyes for
it ?
1) When connected do you see A500 in the
display when selected, if so then it will be
set correctly
2) If you see $XXXX where XXXX are four hex
digits then you will need to tell the system
the number of record tracks the A500 has.
Set-up | Interface | Record | Menu 34 Record
Set to 2= 8
3) You then need to set the record track
arming keys to point to the A500
Select MB51 key groups (use the lowest
key in the group of three to the right of
the track arming keys)
select the A500
check the machine number: Recall followed
by the machine key
Chose four keys for the track enables
Specify each track in turn, I will assume
that it is machine number 7 for this
Track 1 Type in 00:00:07:01 followed by
[SHIFT], followed by [STORE] followed by the
key for track 1
The display should show Mcn:Trk 00:00:07:01
Track 2 Type in 00:00:07:02 followed by
[SHIFT], followed by [STORE] followed by the
key for track 2
The display should show Mcn:Trk 00:00:07:02
Track 3 Type in 00:00:07:03 followed by
[SHIFT], followed by [STORE] followed by the
key for track 3
The display should show Mcn:Trk 00:00:07:03
Track 4 Type in 00:00:07:04 followed by
[SHIFT], followed by [STORE] followed by the
key for track 4
The display should show Mcn:Trk 00:00:07:04
You can check the assigned machine and track
for any track arming key using [Recall]
followed by the key
The Track arming should remain until you hard
reset the system
DA98-tracks loose their arming during a session
although the machine is still record enabled.
This doesn´t bother me as long as I
listen to those tracks, but it becomes pretty
annoying if these tracks are recording a stem
which is not monitored. Do you have any idea
how to get rid of this?
You can enable the reinforce track arming
command to do this
Select the DA-98 on the system
Enter the menu [Setup]
Select the Renforce menu
Root | IFACE | Record |.. Menu 38:-
Command Reinforce
Select 2= Track Arm
This will send a Track arm command
approximately once per second to the selected
machine, provided that the panel does not
lose the track arming then this should solve
the problem.
track Arming settings
Track arming will be remembered provided that
the Menu Setup | Root | Unit | Generic | Menu
??: Macro protection Is set to 1= Keyboard
If you change the machine type on a port then
the setup will return to the default setup.
If you allways want to be able to layback to
video machines then you can set
Setup | Root | Unit | generic | record | Menu
14?: Default Analogue & Video ready as
you require.
If we
use the PCI Audio Vision Vers. 4.1. things run
well but if we use the Nubus Audio Vision with
the Software Vers. 3.6 the machine is running
in remote mode, but we can not get in record
mode, system says "NOT RECORD ENABLED" and
nothing happens.
To Record enable
ensure that the system is in stop
depress the record key and hold depressed
The system will then display the currently
record enabled machines by illuminating the
leds in the machine keys
Whilst holding the record key depressed use
the machine keys to record enable/disable
each machine.
Is it
possible to get ProoTools TC as an external TC
| input for DA 60.
Running from a remote source of code (eg. the
pro-Tools Timecode output.)
To use the pro-tools timecode output connect
the timecode from the protools to the rerader
input on the GPI port (pins 1, 14, 2)
By selecting the Reader as master (If the
reader macro is not fitted then assign one of
the Macro keys to Macro 113) the main
timecode output will follow the Pro-Tools
DA-60 doesn't go in TC rec. with tr.no3 we just
can record enable the audio tracks and we want
to record them all at the same time !!
To record on all tracks at the same time you
have to use assemble mode on the DA-60, I have
now updated the SR24 Record keys to be the same
as the SR-4 and tell you this information!
The keys should be labelled as follows Record
5(Video), Record 6(Assemble), Record 8(Crash).
The video and Assemble keys are defined by the
sonny protocol and we are responsible for
To record on the timecode track as well as the
two audio tracks enable track 6 (Assemble)
We want
to record enable the sonny bvu 1800 beta video
too crash rec?
To crash record on a Video machine you
will have to first enter the set-up to
remove the protection on the video
Set-up | Root | Iface | Record | Menu
41:- Analog & Video Rec Rdy
Set this to 3=Asmb (Note: This may not
be Menu 41 on your system but a lower
Then Enable track 8 (crash record) as
To send a crash record command, from
stop hold the record key depressed and
then depress the play key.
RM-6 If I connect
our console to the connector "Keyboard"
(as planed), the incoming comands from
the console are only sent to the master
machine, rather than to the selected
one. I would like to control the
selected machine from the console, not
only the master.
To control the selected machine instead
of the Master Machine you have to
select this in the Menu as follows:
Setup|Root|Record|Menu 10: External
Commands & Track Arming
setting this to 2 or 3 will send
commands to the currently selected
RM-6 The machine E
seems to be special. We cannot make any
machine work on that connector. I've
been trying to browse through setups
and stuff, but it doesn't work.
Machines A-D work fine and recognize
what's connected.
Port E may be configured as an Input or
Output in Software:
Setup|Root|Generic|Menu 27: Serial E
Type Port E is connected as an input
and requires a TX-RX Invert cable as
described in section T5.04
For further information on any of our products please contact:
CB Electronics
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